Patricia Martin

Whispering Vista Studios—San Luis Obispo, CA

Masters of Fine Art- Studio concentration in Fiber-CSULB
Certificate of Excellence in Dyeing, Handweaver’s Guild of America
BS--Graphic Communications, Color & Design, California Polytechnic State University
Associate of Arts in 2D Art, Cuesta Community College
Associate of Arts in 3D Art, Cuesta Community College

Solo and group exhibitions

2023            Morro Bay Art Gallery-Printmakers Show, Morro Bay, CA

2022            Printmakers Group Show, SLO, CA  

2021            Trickersters & Transformation, Helms Bakery Center, Culver City CA

2021            Fiber Arts Now, Sate of Health, University of Tennessee

2020            Metamorphosis, San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, SLO, CA
2019            Alpay Scholarship Show, Palos Verde Art Center, Palos Verde CA
2019            Wellspring, San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, SLO, CA
2019            Werby Gallery, Solo showing of Thesis, Cal State Long Beach, CA
2018            Presidence House selection for Dr. Jane C. Conoley—Cal State Long Beach, CA
2018            Merlino Gallery, Solo showing of current work, Cal State Long Beach, CA
2014            Dimensions, 2014 Craftmaker’s Show, San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, SLO, CA
2013            Anthropology in Weaving, Linnaea’s Coffee House, San Luis Obispo, CA2013 Encore Anthropology in Weaving, JoMama Coffee House, Atascadero, CA


Social Awareness projects:

2022            I Must Be a mermaid, Avila Beach, CA
2017            Tinkuy 2017 Weavers Symposium, Cusco Peru
2016            10th Shibori Symposium, Oaxaca Mexico
2010            ISEND, Cochineal: the Color Red, US Delegate, La Roche France
2009            Mountain Wool Festival, Report on Nepal Dye Project, Taos NM
2009            Kumbeshwar Technical School Dye Project, Serrv International, Patan Nepal
2008            ISEND US Delegate, Degu S. Korea
2006            Color Congress, Hyderabad India
2002            Color Congress—Natural Dyes Symposium, Iowa State University
2000            Arts Focus-Children’s Multi-discipline project in public schools an art program for intermixed grades of K-5 on a 6-week rotation for in-depth study of subject (I led textiles and weaving) in 2000. In collaboration with a group of volunteers secured grant funding for the program and still is endorsed by the Mountain View School District Board of Education.



2023            Creative Children’s Project 6-week Art Immersive (3/4 grade), SLO, CA

2023            MAFA Conference, PA, Beginning Weaving

2008-current Teach privately weaving and dying in studio.


Recent Awards

2024             Conference of Northern California Handweavers Scholarship Grant-Basketry

2020             Conference of Northern California Handweavers Scholarship Grant

2019            Baldisari Scholarship Award, Long Beach CA
2019            Best of Show Award, Craftmakers Show, SLOMA
2018            Windes Gallery Award, Long Beach CA


Artist Statement

My work is an attempt to examine the phenomenon of the personal as a metaphorical interpretation. By choosing mainly formal solutions, the tradition of historical lineage is shown as woven material absorbed in a daily practice. This personal follow-up and revival of a past tradition is important as an act of meditation. The work explores connections that move and repeat with investigations of lines not only as visual representations but how choices affect the materials used. Annie Albers states:

“Designing has become more and more an intellectual performance, the organization of the constituent parts into a coalition, parts whose function is to comprehend but can no longer be immediately experienced. Designing today is indirect forming. It deals no longer directly with the medium but vicariously: graphically and verbally.”

The woven works are being confronted as aesthetically resilient, thematically interrelated materials for memory and projection. By contesting the division between the realm of memory and the realm of experience, I consider making art a craft which is executed using clear formal rules and can refer to social reality. By focusing on techniques and materials, I try to develop forms that do not follow idiosyncratic criteria, but are based only on subjective associations and formal parallels, which incite the viewer to make new personal associations.

Patricia Martin
Instagram: #patwove